Singing medicine for the mind, body and soul. Learn how to free your voice using gentle warm up exercises, gain confidence, have fun and learn how to sing in gorgeous harmony with others.
We will learn easy uplifting songs that you will nourish and empower you.
Many people find these classes help improve their breathing, and overall wellbeing, connecting with others in a friendly supportive environment.
Valerie has a wealth of experience leading Natural Voice singing workshops, whose philosophy is that if you can speak you can sing.
'It is the highlight of my week' , " It is the best thiing I have EVER done" some recent feedback participants .
recent classes
Come and join us for some singing fun in The Ardhowen
Thursday evening 7.00 -8.30.pm
8 week course: Thursday 13th February - Thursday 10th April
Please note: no class Thursday 6th March